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OUR Mission

“…Soli Deo Gloria; …For the Glory to God alone”

This is our mission, to glorify God and enjoy Him both now and onward into eternity. How do we at Eastside seek to glorify God? 

First, we seek to glorify Him in worship through sound expository preaching of the scriptures, passionate singing of hymns and spiritual songs, earnest prayer as a church, cheerful giving unto the Lord and faithfully keeping the ordinances given to the local church. 

Second, we seek to glorify Him by living genuine Christian lives that reflect a love for Christ and submission to His word in all things. 

Third, we seek to glorify Him in advancing the kingdom of God as we preach the gospel to all people, make disciples of Christ in our community, and support global missions as well as gospel ministries.

In the midst of our pursuit to glorify God, you will find a warm and welcoming fellowship of Christians who love each other and enjoy spending time together. 

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